We all have our own Divine Desires, inspiration and guidance to move toward what's fulfilling.
Conditioning (i.e. What we've learned since we are kids, how we've learned it, what we've seen, how we've interpreted certains behaviors and messages) is interfering with our Divinity.
We get to feel Divine Guidance, have clarity.
Here's an exemple:
When I was a kid I internalized that I wanted to much stuff. I loved clothing, design, jewellery, purses, hats, you name it! My desires weren't aknowlegded (I am not talking about that my parents should've bought me everything).
So I thought I couldn't rely on myself since I want too many things, I couldn't listent to my desires.
How can you listen to your Divine Guidance when you are blocking it ?
That's why getting rid of the BULLSHIT is POWERFUL.
Move towards your
Transcend your limiting thoughts
Human Design (HD) is an amazing tool to unlearn the bullshit and realign. I will guide you (and myself) to regain your clarity and Divine guidance.
You'll have access to
- The new program The Experiment (on Dec 1st) (in French)
- 4 zoom meetings (group) in January to start the Experiment (in French)
- 1 Voxer chat to exchange with other members (in French)